Innovative Software Solutions
for Everyone

Software is a part of our everyday lives, but sometimes there is a gap between what’s needed and what’s available. That’s where we shine. Leading the way in finding solutions for the needs of the little guy.

zFairs Logo
Your event and contest management solution, running a big event is a lot of work and there is a lot to organize. zFairs makes it easy, manage everything in one place including participants, judges, volunteers, awards, presenters, exhibitors and so much more.
ISEF App Logo
ISEF App is an online tool for students, parents, and teachers. We make the ISEF forms & paperwork possible and accessible to everyone. This is a free tool available to all students.
Orkboo Logo
The online digital wOrkbook platform empowering users and business to build a highly interactive and a completely customizable document flow. Training, gathering relevant information and electronic signatures is just the beginning.